
I'm really frustrated. I've been bored, so I've been looking into funding to get a ramp built into my house. Someone broke into our garage twice in the last month, and so I'm nervous about my wheelchairs, for obvious reasons. They also stop running in winter randomly, because they are stored in my garage, and anyone who knows anything about Edmonton knows that gel batteries can freeze on a -45 night, which then disallows me to get to school, work, or even volunteer commitments. I'm not eligible for funding cause I rent, so that sucks, I don't qualify. Even If I did, my landlords would have to renovate the doors and put in wider doors and a barrier-free house, and a lot of landlords just flat out refuse to do that. So I started looking for wheelchair accessible homes. There are a few, but the problem is that most houses that say that they are "accessible" are not ACTUALLY accessible. The doors are not wide, it's not built to be ac